La Bisbal fields by Cruïlles

Last year we discovered this little walk in the fields on the Cruïlles side of La Bisbal d'Emporda and we did the walk again in April planning to write it up more fully.

La Bisbal Fransican Convent The first time we did it, and part of the reason we enjoyed it so much, was that there was water in the River Daro (which is normally a dry river bed) forcing us to paddle across the river twice to make the loop, with the entertaining sight of cyclists having to do the same the second time around.

It's a relatively simply walk, starting just off the 'ring-road' for Bisbal as it passes by the police station. There's usually easy parking close to the modern buildings and shops along the road.

Having parked, we walk up one of the old town roads up to the Fransican convent on the Gaverres side of the town. Many of the houses along the road are older with dates on the plinth above the door saying when they were built - typically 1700s.

La Bisbal Masia farmhouse on road to Calonge Up past the convent we turn into the fields and paths that link the old masia buildings that are scattered in the countryside. It's relatively flat, but this side of La Bisbal also has the road that links direct to Calonge over a lowish pass in the Gavarres - very popular route for cycling with a maximum height around 250m. So there are hills around to the left.

Following the path, we cross the road, and from there work our way to the river towards Cruilles. The river is usually dry so easy to cross at a ford, but our first experience was when there was water in the Daro and we had to get our feet wet to cross the river. Although, as we discovered later, there is a bridge a little way along.

From the river we curl around the farms with several walking and path options linking the fields and copses. This time we take the option of visiting the strange bridge close to Cruilles. As we get closer we can hear a frog chorus from 100m away as they sang or croaked in the river pool under the bridge, so it will now be the 'frog' bridge. It's a little strange because the bridge is quite big, but the river - without water - is small and dry, so you can walk across the riverbed without needing the bridge. However, presumably when the rains come the bridge is the only way of crossing.

La Bisbal bridge over frog chorus river We then follow the river back towards La Bisbal, crossing the stream again just outside by the side of La Bisbal's outdoor swimming pool (a place that seems to be deliberately hidden off the beaten track).

Neighbouring walks: La Bisbal d'Emporda - La Bisbal, Vulpellac, Castell d'Emporda, FontetaCanapost, Poblet Iberic and Ullastret - Palau-sator and Peratallada - Santa Susanna de Peralta and Sant Climent de Peralta - Llofriu, St Llop and Torrent - Mont-ras to Fitor and on to Fonteta and Vulpellac - Canapost to the medieval fair at Peratallada


Walking route back of La Bisbal dEmporda

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